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Jaclyn Eva



Ok huge vulnerability post ! I have to share this as a strong, ambitious woman and mother of two and mentor and Leader to many…….. Never apologize for being a POWERFUL F#CKING WOMAN! I was born strong and made into a survivor, and somewhere along the way I allowed whatever it was, to think that is ”wrong,” “selfish”, or that being bold will get me punished and miss opportunities.

If you were born to be a fearless fighter like me, don’t ever let anyone tell you it’s bad to have the balls to go first or to ask for more .   If you are a parent and you have kids like this let them be big so when they are grown up they won’t try to mask and “be less.” I heard both my parents voices this week who I love very much but we’re probably terrified to have such a strong Willed child. “Who the hell do you think you are” and “Stay humble” replayed in my head this week when I actually HAD to facilitate what earns me the right to be where I was. Maybe it’s the Azorean Immigrant shit or maybe it was the Irish catholic shame and guilt Maybe it was a scarcity mindset ?

Ending this with, I have a daughter and son who I want to grow into their full potential of which ever type of being they ar meant to be. So you know what I’m gonna do ? Never listen to that voice again.

And be the POWERFUL F#CKING WOMAN I was born to be and set the example . Stay Spicy , stay fierce and keep that BIG D energy ladies if you are too much tell them to go find less !

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